Primary School Overview
Warwick Academy allows students to respond positively to opportunities, challenges and responsibilities, whether in Bermuda or the world. We are committed to providing a demanding and challenging curriculum that develops an appreciation of their own and others' beliefs and cultures and how these influence individuals and societies. We recognise the importance of nurturing a student's spiritual, moral, social and cultural compass and develop principles for distinguishing right and wrong and encouraging good choices. We do this through our pastoral focus, which supports our curriculum model.
An effective curriculum gives teachers, students, parents, employers and the wider community a clear and shared understanding of the skills and knowledge that young people will gain at school. The curriculum makes expectations for learning and attainment explicit to students, parents, teachers, governors, employers and the public. It establishes standards for the performance of all students in the subjects it includes. These standards can be used to set targets for improvement, measure progress towards those targets, and monitor and compare performance between individuals, groups and schools.
The Primary section uses the UK National Curriculum blended with the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) as the basis for our approach. This curriculum is, of course, adapted to take account of the fact that this is Bermuda. Thus there are different opportunities available to us here compared to the UK. For example, each year group covers a unit of study that looks at various aspects of life in Bermuda.
Our Reception programme, housed in a purpose-designed Reception unit on the school site, allows children to establish critical skills and knowledge before moving to Year 1. For more information on our Reception programme, please visit our Reception page.
From Year 1 to Year 4, Class Teachers teach: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Art. In addition, Specialist teachers are involved in the teaching of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Physical Education (PE), Music, Computing and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL).
We move to three classes in Year 5 and Year 6 (from two in Y1 – Y4). The children experience the same specialist-taught subjects; however, at this point, the Class Teachers also specialise in subject areas. For example one teacher specialises in teaching all the English across the year group, one all the Mathematics and the third teacher focuses on Science and Humanities. This same approach is used in Year 6. We believe this supports our pupils towards a smoother transition into the secondary section of the school, where they will have different teachers in different rooms for all their subjects.