Middle School (Year 7 - 9)
The Secondary School is committed to providing a curriculum that promotes an enjoyment and commitment to learning, stimulating the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all students. The curriculum builds on students' strengths, interests and experiences and develops their confidence in their capacity to learn and work independently and collaboratively. Central to this is the development of language, numerical, information and communication technology skills, in addition to developing students’ ability to think critically and rationally.
The Middle School curriculum offers a broad and balanced education that builds on foundations laid down in Primary. Students take a wide range of subjects and topics, promoting a broad range of knowledge and skills which allows them to discover and pursue their own particular interests and passions. The English National Curriculum is a starting point for our curriculum in Middle School, but we go well beyond its limitations. Our curriculum is global in its outlook, and it reflects the international nature of our school community. We also aim to incorporate our local Bermuda culture into learning wherever possible.
In Year 7 and 8, all students take English, Maths, General Science, French, Spanish, Geography, History, Computing, Drama, General Music, Art, Food and Nutrition, Design and Technology, Physical Education and Well Being. (The practical arts: Art, Food and Nutrition, Design and Technology are taught in a carousel using our specialist facilities). There is an option for students to either take music performance or citizenship.
In Year 9, students continue with English, Maths, Geography, History, Computing, Drama, General Music, Physical Education and Well Being. Science is taught through two different courses: Biochemistry or Physical Science (which involves the design and builds aspects of ROV’s). Most students will opt to study either French or Spanish in more depth, although there is an option for students to continue with both. Students also choose to continue with two practical arts subjects (Art, Food and Nutrition, Design or Technology).
Some students will receive support from the Learning Enrichment Department, which may include a reduced curriculum to accommodate their Individual Learning Profiles (ILP’s).
The Middle School curriculum is enhanced by our extensive co-curricular progamme, in particular our Activity Afternoon (on a Tuesday) and Enrichment (on a Thursday), both of which take place during the school day.