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Warwick Academy

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

Warwick Academy's commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) embodies the tenants that are reflective of our core values. Thus, we believe that our approach towards DIEB includes being respectful, hardworking, demonstrating honesty and integrity, being open-minded, empathic, compassionate, and resilient. Amidst our uniqueness, our DIEB goal is to enhance our relationships and further build a sense of community amongst our students, staff, parents and the larger community.

DEIB Timeline


- Board of Amnesty International Bermuda (AIBDA) selects Warwick Academy to pilot the AI Human Rights Friendly School (HRFS) Program and donate a $5000 grant to the school towards this project. - HRFS program approved by WA Board. - September: Signing of MoU between Warwick Academy and Amnesty International Bermuda. - AI BDA HRFS Coordinator sets up Whole School HFRS Committee and trains staff. - Year 7 group (75 students) forms the first Human Rights student committee. - First Human Rights Assembly - Community Outreach: Student Participation to Official International Human Rights Day and International Women's Day Celebration which became annual events. - Students participate in the Amnesty International Letter Writing Marathon Activities - Burial of info about HRFS project in the Time Capsule (Dec. 14th)

- Corporal Punishment, an antiquated rule, officially removed from WA Handbook - Amnesty Human Rights Temperature Survey circulated to all school stakeholds > issues of discrimination are salient point - HR Student group develops Anti-discrimination policy - Curriculum Focus: Right to Housing (Poverty in Bermuda - Expulsion of Roma in Europe) - HRFS Information evening for parents organized


- Creation of Human Rights Student Leadership position - Charlie Hebdo solidarity action with MFL Department. - Human Rights News sent to Form room for discussion

- MoU with AI BDA expires the HRFS program becomes WA Human Rights Project. - Human Rights Policy created -- project becomes student-led under the guidance of Human Rights Co-ordinator

- Launch of Trip to NAIS Student Diveristy Leadership Conference Anaheim: "Voices for Equity and Justice Now and every Generation" - Launch of Human Rights Fim Series in partnership with BUEI Screens: - The Breadwinner, Human Flow, Ava. - Creation of LGBTQ+ Affinity group for students - Celebration of 50th Anniversary of Adult Suffrage in Bermuda - International Day of the Girl

- Activities around the 70th anniversary of the UNDHR. - Piloting the creation of a HR Newspaper: The whistleblower

- Second Student Trip to the NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference and People of Color Conference (Nashville) - Appointment of Primary Human Rights Champions - Primary: Intro to Human Rights (Y4); Black History Lesson (Y5): Maya Angelou/Michel Basquiat; Gender stereotypes in Disney Movies (Y5) - Second Human Rights Film Series: Capernaum, Rafiki, Papicha. - Participation in Black Lives Matters march in Bermuda (June)


- Stereotypes based on Race - Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice - Intersectionality - Creation of Black Affinity Group - International Women Day: Choose to Challenge social media campaign - Virtual NAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference

- Human Rights Project Branding: Creation of logo and T-shirts - October 2021 Equity Webinars for Parents: - The anti-racism campaign developed by the Human Rights Student - Committee in 2020-2021 aimed at engaging all school stakeholders on the question of race. Students were particularly keen in organizing an event which would appeal to Warwick Academy parents and the community at large. - Black History Month celebration

- 10th Anniversary Human Rights trip to Geneva - Curriculum Theme: Pandemic and Human Rights - Launch of parternship with Bermuda is Love - International Human Rights Day Art Exhibition at BSOA around Article 1 of the UNDHR (creation of a Human Rights Quilt in collaboration with Bermuda is Love) - Human Rights Project Reunion

- Intercultural Learning document was developed in 2019 to address the Council of International Schools (CIS) accreditation queries related to Warwick Academies DEIB needs - Dr. Vernee Butterfield was engaged by the school in October 2019 and worked us to develop staff and student workshops to enhance growing a racially equitable school.

- October 2020: A DEI Board Committee was created to formalize the priority of incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion into its core beliefs. - DEI training for committee members through CIS. - A DEI Audit survey was developed and circulated to all WA Stakeholders. 3 themes were identified from initial analysis ( May 2021) 1. The need to continue to grow equal representation, 2. Continuing to change mindsets and behaviors, 3. Protecting our school community against discrimination and abuse. - To address DEI Audit Theme 2: (Departmental Level) - The Humanities Department met with Black staff and a diverse group of Community stakeholders to infuse more racially diverse content into the curriculum. Provides ongoing class discussions and experiences via field trips to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the impact of inequality and diversity with students and staff - The English Department consulted with Librarian to integrate a continuous source a diverse range of authors from non-Eurocentric backgrounds.

To address DEI Audit Theme 2:(Staff, student, parents training): Students: i) Years 7-13 attended virtual presentation from South Africa with Nelson Mandela’s prison guard, who was with him throughout his time as a political prisoner and became, discreetly, both friend and sympathiser. ii) Years 12 and 13 joined a virtual Human Rights Conference in the PPMH with schools from the UK discussing stereotyping, implicit bias, police brutality and restorative practice. Staff: iii) The staff attended a workshop with Dr Vernee Butterfield concentrating on recognising implicit bias and offering tools with which to recognise and rectify it. (September 2021) iv) DEI Co-Chair (Board member) donated a copy of Donation of "Uncomfortable Discussion with a Black Man" Book to all staff members and a virtual book discussion was organised. Parents: - Race equity Webinars organized by the Human Rights Project committee. To address DEI Audit Theme 3: - Existing Policies were reviewed through a DEI Lens (Code of Conduct; Anti-Bullying Policy) - A new anti-discrimination and Equal Opportunity policy and a Sexual Harrassment Policy were developed. - A new DEI Officer position and corresponding job were developed and were approved. - DEI Board Committee organizional change occured with the apppointment of new Head of DEI in September 2022: DEI Board Committee became an ad hoc committee. DEI at school would be lead by ST.

- Small Primary and Secondary staff groups facilitated to seek DEIB perceptions - Full staff survey for DEIB training solutions indicated implicit bias and cultural and Identity awareness as priority topics - Full staff training with Dr. Jade Templar, psychologist at Solstice, and Mrs. Stacey-Lee Williams, executive director for Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda (C.U.R.B.) - National Day of Racial Healing Student Conference attended by Warwick Academy Students - Parents and Community Stakeholder established as an advisory group that provides feedback for intentionally moving towards further enhancing the learning environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging - Warwick Academy DEIB article in Bermuda Media online platform titled, Navigating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in a Bermudian School - Educational session for students here at Warwick Academy by Dr. Tyrone Douglas and University of California Women’s field hockey team; Mr. Corey Butterfield, Bermudian historian; and Dr. Quinton Sherlock, Bermudian founder of Ace’s Golf Academy in Ghana

DEIB link added to Warwick Academy website Full-Staff DEIB small group discussions March 4th. The DEIB staff committee members facilitated small group discussions with staff with the goal of getting to know one another, enhancing our relationships and increasing our abilities to be conscious identity educators. Great Feedback! In the preparation for the facilitating the groups, DEIB staff member read "The Identity Conscious Educator" book by Dr. Liza Talusan. On April 8th all staff participated in a fun team building event as a follow up to DIEB small group discussions. Staff enjoyed the events facilitated by BDA CrossFit, Xtreme Sports and our own mini scavenger hunt within the surrounding community. In May 2024, the DEIB staff committee transitioned its focus to addressing the Council of International Schools (CIS) Accreditation goal to enhance student well-being by increasing our understanding and implementation of interculturality within the school environment.

DEIB Model

  • Respect

    We believe that respect is fundamental to creating positive and healthy relationships with people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. We strive to show respect to everyone, treating them with dignity and kindness.

  • Hardworking

    We are committed to being hardworking and diligent in all DEIB endeavors. We believe that hard work is essential to achieving our goals and contributing positively to the community.

  • Honesty & Integrity

    are crucial to building trust and a sense of genuine belonging with others. We are in the process of becoming more truthful and transparent with every interaction (i.e. having hard conversations).

  • Open Mindness

    We believe that by keeping an open mind, we can approach new situations with a willingness to learn, adapt, and appreciate different perspectives.

  • Empathy

    Empathy is a quality that allows us to connect with others on a deeper level. By putting ourselves in others’ shoes, we can gain some understanding the thoughts and emotions of marginalized groups and become better supporters to assist with satisfying unmet needs.

  • Compassion

    Compassion is the driving force behind my actions towards others. We desire to create an environment that demonstrates kindness and empathy, can make a positive impact and help others feel valued and supported.

  • Resilience

    We strive to remain persistent, determined, and optimistic, even in the face of adversity and are willing to learn from our setbacks.


Take a moment to read an article written by MrDon Vickers, our Head of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), about what we are doing at WA; it will be worth your while. Click here Bermuda Media - Navigating Diversity, Equality, Inclusion & belonging 

Empowering Our Youth Through Human Rights Education,
written by Françoise Palau-Wolffe.

The International and National Promise of Whole-School Approaches.

This article addresses the vital role human rights education can play in formal education not only as a means to reach the standards and objectives of 21st century curricula but also to empower youth. 

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117 Middle Road, Warwick,
PG 01 Bermuda